Excursion on jet ski to

Among the 5 best beaches in Ibiza

Mapa Cala Conta Cala Tarida 768X1024 2
20% discount
( * Low season)

10% discount in high season.

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Cala Compte and Cala Tarida need no introduction, for those who have not yet enjoyed their crystal clear waters, get ready to enjoy the Mediterranean Caribbean. They are very close to different islets and natural caves embedded in the coast that we will be able to see on our route. Its beautiful turquoise blue waters and several different areas to explore make them undoubtedly one of the best beaches on the island.

On this route, if you leave from Puerto de San Antonio, you will reach Cala Compte. If you leave from Cala Bassa, you will reach Cala Tarida.

On this excursion we will see incredible places such as the Conejera Island, the Island of Bosc, Cala Bassa, Cala Compte and Cala Tarida with its amazing turquoise waters. Cala Bassa, Cala Compte and Cala Tarida with its amazing turquoise waters. Just by looking up we can see the Torre d’en Rovira and the famous sundial next to the gates of Ibiza. We will see impressive cliffs and large caves hidden in the coast of Ibiza.

Feel lucky to be able to reach these spectacular coves by jet ski.

Do you want a reservation for TODAY? Call us at


We will set sail in one of our boats from Cala Bassa Beach or from the Port of San Antonio, depending on your choice of reservation.

We will head to our circuit where you will be trained in the operation of the jet skis, along with the rules of driving and how to maintain safety throughout the tour.

Once you are ready, guided by one of our qualified instructors, we will start our excursion to Cala Compte or Cala Tarida. It’s time to give gas and enjoy!

During the route we will stop for a swim, snorkel if you wish and take some souvenir photos.

Once the excursion is over, you will be dropped off at the starting point.

Come and enjoy this special experience!

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Use our promotional code SUPERPROMO to get a discount on your Ibiza jet excursion bookings for all departures from 10:30 am to 12:00 am.